Hola buenos dias compañeros, tengo un problema,
Pensé que era del otro wow pirata que tenia, asi que decidí descargarme este y ver si era un caso aislado o no,pero
parece que me da el mismo error... Error de memoria, pero tengo 32 Gb de ram
os hago cpy paste de lo que sale:
World of WarCraft (build 12340)
Exe: C:\Users\Neer0\Downloads\[UltimoWoW] Client esES\UltimoWoW esES\Wow.exe
Time: Feb 23, 2025 9:49:32.457 PM
User: Neer0
This application has encountered a critical error:
ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
Program: C:\Users\Neer0\Downloads\[UltimoWoW] Client esES\UltimoWoW esES\Wow.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:008D2412
The instruction at "0x008D2412" referenced memory at "0x00000000".
The memory could not be "read".
WoWBuild: 12340
SET locale "esES"
SET serverAlert "invalid"
SET realmList "logon.ultimowow.com"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET gxRefresh "60"
SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"
SET gxFixLag "0"
SET videoOptionsVersion "3"
SET showToolsUI "1"
GxApi: D3D9
Adapter Count: 1
Adapter 0 (primary):
Driver: nvldumd.dll
Version: 32.0.0015.7247
Description: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY6
Hardware/Driver Information:
Processor: 0x9
Page Size: 4096
Min App Address: 0x10000
Max App Address: 0x7ffeffff
Processor Mask: 0xffff
Number of Processors: 16
Processor Type: 8664
Allocation Granularity: 65536
Processor Level: 25
Processor Revision: 8450
Os Version: 6.2
Os Service Pack: 0.0
Percent memory used: 29
Total physical memory: 34266996736
Free Memory: 24131387392
Page file: 107667316736
Total virtual memory: 2147352576
No tengo ni idea de que hacer, alguien tiene alguna solucion? mi pc es relativamente nuevo
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
32,0 GB
Sistema operativo de 64 bits, procesador basado en x64