Elkaiserco Publicado 6 de Agosto del 2023 Publicado 6 de Agosto del 2023 Hello world, looking for english speaking players from the Alliance, feel free to message me to Elkaiserco to meet together and make this happen. Cheers! Torete 1
𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖎𝖇 Publicado 9 de Febrero del 2024 Publicado 9 de Febrero del 2024 if there is still someone who is interested to join Not English guild , but Community that can speak English - Spanish is welcome to ( for more info /whisper me here as comment or dirrectly in discord ) P.S. im not native English or Spanish , but i manage to speak both languages "con gana todo es posible" :) Shyrsa y Gato Negro 1 1
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