𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖎𝖇 Publicado 31 de Octubre del 2020 Publicado 31 de Octubre del 2020 Hello Ultimowow community I want to ask and find anyone who speak a bit Ingles to get me in a raiding guild? ( up and open for discord daily talks ) /w me if such a person exist here ( 5 years wotlk 3.3.5a PVE exp btw, yo tengo heal , tank , dps ) I expect to play a game with chill and confidence team whiling to improve and being active enough for that. Confident and Not stressful-panic environment. If anyone is interested to meet the Gringo my discord profile is : Shadownib#5184 P.S. you are welcome even if you think that your English is " not good enough " note that i used to play with Latino friends in the past few years even in International servers in Latino guild imagine that , so don't be Shy or uncomfortable at all ! I don't bite , i don't get butt hurt you can bully me as much you want :) Open mind set , self irony guy waiting for you "chicos y niñas" Not a Simp i swear ! :v sokchu 1
Administrador Torete Publicado 31 de Octubre del 2020 Administrador Publicado 31 de Octubre del 2020 Muevo al foro adecuado. 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖎𝖇 1 Normas | Denuncias | Reclamaciones | FAQ
Alighieria Publicado 31 de Octubre del 2020 Publicado 31 de Octubre del 2020 I think thre used to be an english speaking guild on the sw but idk what happened to them. Torete 1
Zerluth Publicado 4 de Noviembre del 2020 Publicado 4 de Noviembre del 2020 Hi Shadownib; I myself speak some english, and I don't know of any english speaking guild, but you are welcome to join our great guild "Los Miserables" and we'll try to surpass the language barrier :) Whisp me in-game to "Luthille" or "Bruiselee" which are the characters I mostly use nowadays (even if you find another guild, I can help you translate or anything). Best regards! Torete y 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖎𝖇 2
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